Salt Water vs. Chlorine Pools

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Here in Jacksonville Beach we’re steps away from the ocean, we’re no stranger to salt water. Although this is true for most of us locals, some homes and hotels in the area are strangers to salt water pools. While most local residential and commercial pools stick to common chlorine pools, both types of pools are highly desirable and you deserve to know your options.  Both saltwater and chlorine pools come with many benefits, we suggest you weigh your options before you decide which pool is best for you and your family.


Salt Water


There are tons of benefits to converting your conventional chlorine water pool into a salt water pool. The first is that it only takes about an hour to fully make the switch. The physical benefits are also enticing:

Natural swimming conditions: Without chlorine, shock or algaecide, you’ll be swimming through water that hasn’t been touched by chemicals. With a lack of chemicals in the water, it’ll prevent red eye, itchy skin and bleached bathing suits.

Cut out the chlorine scent and work: When you step into your backyard you’ll only get a whiff of fresh salt water rather than the obvious scent of chlorine. The pool and air will be much fresher with salt in the water. Overall, a salt water pool is less maintenance on your end due to its automatic pump activation.

The water won’t feel like an ocean: Although it’s a salt water pool, it won’t be salty pool water. For most salt water pool owners, the salt is the least noticeable part about the switch. The level of salt that’s physically in the pool is actually so low it won’t even remotely taste like the ocean.



Chlorine Pool


There’s definitely a reason for chlorine water to be so tried and true, otherwise companies would stop producing the systems altogether. Chlorine has been known to be clean and effective in pool maintenance. A chlorine pool is a happy, swimming-friendly pool with a few benefits to consider:
Chlorine cleans the water at a faster rate: Due to the high level of chemicals, it get the cleanliness of the water done in a rapid speed amount of time. This means less time cleaning the water and more time enjoying the water.

Safer on pool accessories and all types of decking: Some decking is designed to be salt-averse which means salt water could damage the decking, but chlorine water is safe for most all types of decking. Pool accessories are also in the clear due to the cleaning and sanitizing agents in chlorine.

Chlorine kills mildew and bacteria in the water: Although chlorine needs maintenance, it in turn cleans all of the bacteria and mildew out of the water, saving you the trouble and providing peace of mind.



Regardless of whether you choose a saltwater or chlorine pool, you’ll be over the moon about having one in your backyard! Both options make for exceptional pool experiences to come all summer long. Kick back and relax in your salt water or chlorine pool this summer!